jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

European Day of Languages (EDL): 26th September

Behind languages there is a rich source of history, culture and lifestyles. This is what this special day, 26th September, aims to celebrate. It is celebrated since 2001 and now 45 countries are involved in it. The goal is to get you excited with language learning. Learning a foreign language or more can be a gratifying experience, moreover, it takes you to different worlds and experiences. Switching to different languages makes your intelligence grow and, what´s more important, makes you capable to communicate with much more people!

Try to do the following Treasure Hunt about English Speaking Countries and answer THE BIG QUESTION at the end. You´ll want to know more.

domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010

1st ESO's new wiki: firstdayatschool

Wikis & Collaborative Tasks

Welcome to our wiki! I have called it "firstdayatschool" because I would like you to have the same feeling of newness and surprise you have the first day at school but all through the year. 

This wiki is going to be our channel of communication for homework. But not only that, here I am going to present new tasks and you, students,  will be able to upload your work. Since your work will be published on the web, it must be well-presented and neat. Doing this kind of tasks, you will become editors and authors of this site, so enjoy the experience!

Have a look at the page. You have a new task. It is called "Melting Pot Classroom" and it will focus on the cultural diversity there is in your school and how to get familiar with it.  Read the instructions carefully and do not start until you are sure of what the task is. Apart from that, this task will be our first approach to the project "New Technologies in the English Classroom". I hope you like it, do not forget to ask me if you do not know how to start. See you in class.

lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010


Most probably, the content in the last two entries has provoked different reactions. Whether they were  in the direction of including new technologies in daily education or not, I must say that it was supposed to provoke reactions. Most teachers have to face the criticism of those who do not know how hard it is to motivate 30 students at a time, as if they were the same person, most of the times with the only resource of a textbook and one's wit. What´s more, the constant change of educational laws has made us teachers feel vulnerable and less valued. If we add to this the strength with which technology has broken into our lives, the fear of being substituted by the machine appears on stage. But, take it easy, nobody is going to disappear.

Teachers are as necessary as knowledge, in fact, teachers are those who pave the way to it. Teachers feel, inspire and encourage. The machine is a resource, a means of bringing students to yet undiscovered paths, and not an end in itself, so it must not be the protagonist...or our antagonist. It is the student who must build knowledge him/herself. Knowledge is the goal, but not only that of Literature, Maths or Science but also that of collaborating, sharing, helping others. With all my respects, that would be difficult if students were sitting still behind their desks. It would also be difficult if we ignored that each student has his/her own preconceptions and sees things from a different standpoint. Knowledge is not a static content block. It is something that you can manipulate like a potter molds the clay. The fans of the dead-poets society have to come back to life. There are many little shakespeares  in our classrooms, and  there are also many readings of Shakespeare. He will rest in peace even if one of our students deconstructs it , s/he is using a foreign language to communicate! Who blames Adriá?

Another overwhelming truth is that we do not communicate the same way we did twenty years ago. Penpals have become keypals, text has been improved by hypertext and learning is transforming into e-learning. I still talk to my students face to face and we enjoy doing so, but I can include other  ways to communicate with them. What's the big deal???

Let me share with you some links that can guide you through the frightening world of new technologies:

1. Computer Assisted Language Learning
2.A very useful website to find CALL resources
3. Technology- Enhanced Language Learning: Hype or Gold Mine?
4. How to Use an Interactive Whiteboard